Engagement Rings | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers

Jonathan David Jewellers is Cardiffโ€™s oldest independent Jewellery store

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Mon โ€“ Sat: 9:00am โ€“ 5:30pm
Sun: Closed

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Home | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


Gemstones have a beauty unlike anything else
By allowing light to refract and bring out the stones inner beauty

Sapphire Gemstones Cardiff | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


A stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy
and divine favour. It is forever associated
With sacred things and considered the gem of gems.

Gemstones | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


The stone of truth, faith & love, enhancing
personal integrity and helps provide focus and deep
meaning to the object of your attention, bringing
you wisdom and spiritual guidance.

Emerald Gemstones Cardiff | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


A stone of inspiration and infinite patience,
it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love.
Called the stone of successful love.

Ruby Gemstones Cardiff | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber,
meaning red. A favourite among those in power or in love,
inspiring more emotion than almost any other stone.

Amethyst Gemstones Cardiff | Jonathan David Jewellers: Cardiff's Oldest Independent Jewellers


Amethyst is a meditative calming stone,
believed to help promote calm, balance
and peace within oneself.

Independent Jewellers Cardiff

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